
8.12 Forecast

A weak front dissipates over western Oregon today, keeping Portland in the clouds and setting up a weak thermal gradient through the Gorge this afternoon. A light start early this morning gives way to a slowly building westerlies. By afternoon, winds top out in the 18-22 range through the corridor, if the clouds back off, otherwise best winds will be out near Lyle and The Dalles.

Tomorrow’s looking stronger as the low off the BC coast heads southwest-ward through northern Washington. Put that low east of the Cascades and combine it with weak high pressure off the coast. That gives us 23-26 east of the cloudline by midday and 26-29 from Doug’s to Maryhill, maybe as far as Arlington, by early evening. I’m going to pick Doug’s as the windiest spot tomorrow. For less wind, head to Stevenson.

The low pressure slides further east Friday, and high pressure holds off the coast. Winds shift into the corridor. It’s a low-twenties start tomorrow with upper twenties likely for the rest of the day.

In other news, tonight is the Hood River sailboat races, and it’s also the Hood River Weather Website potluck. Just google Hood River Weather and check out the website for local weather and potluck information.

Tomorrow’s the Post and Pint Bike ride out of Dirty Fingers bike repair. The trail might just be less dusty after last night’s rain. Looking ahead to the weekend, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade plays on the bigscreen, outdoors at Jackson Park on Saturday night.

Whatever you do today, have an awesome day!


8/11 forecast – Don’t forget the Perseids!

I just want to give another big thanks to everyone who sponsored, helped out with or participated in Kiteboarding for Cancer. As of last count, they’d raised $58,000 for local cancer charities. Now that there’s kiteboarding fro cancer and standup for cnacer, it’s time for you windsurfers to get involved too. Anyone out there want to team up with the kiters and make it an all-wind and water event next year?

Speaking of wind and kites, westerlies continue today A weak front is stalled along the coast and a low is rotating near BC. The combo gave us some marine deck this morning, and that drives thermals today. We had light westerlies early. As the front moves eastward, winds build to 17-20 by midday from Stevenson down to Mosier. By late afternoon, we should see 21-24 at Stevenson, Avery, Doug’s and out to Arlington.

Models are still presenting a mixed picture tomorrow. My best guess is we’ll start off light and then see 12-15 late in the afternoon, just enough for Hood River’s Wednesday sailboat races.

The BC low shifts westward on Thursday, and that should give us some decent west winds in the 20-something-plus range, along with a slight possibility of some rain to wet down the dusty mountain bike trails.

In other news, tonight is the peak of the Perseid Meteor shower. Look to the Northeast for up to 60 meteors and fireballs per hour. The peak should be around 1-2am.

Whatever you do today, have an awesome day!