Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
There’s no significant snowfall to speak of in the next few days, which means you’re looking at spring skiing on the hill: soft, wet, potentially slushy snow for sliding around. For today, expect light rain and on-and-off sprinkles during the day, followed by a dry period overnight. The snow level will be 7000′ in the morning, 6000′ midday, 7000′ in the evening, and 5500′ after midnight. We’ll see 1/10” rain today. Wind will be SW 20 early, S 20 in the afternoon, and SSW 20 after midnight.
Thursday brings a mix of wet snow and raindrop during the day with light rain after midnight. The snow level will be 5000′ during the day, rising to 6500′ in the afternoon and evening. Around .1-.2” water value (WV) will fall, most likely as rain or very wet snow with zero accumulation. Wind on Thursday will be SSW 20 during the day, SSW 10 in the evening, and SSW 35 after midnight.
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4a-8a | 8a-12p | 12p-4p | 4p-8p | 8p-4a |
Wednesday 7000′->5500′ |
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Thursday 5000′->6500′ |
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Friday 6500′->2500′ |
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Mt. Hood Snow Forecast, continued
Friday starts off with wind and raindrops, dries out midday, and sees light snowfall in the evening. The snow level will be 6500′ early, steadily dropping during the day to land at 2500′ after midnight. We’ll see around 1/10” rain early in the morning, dry weather midday, and snow after 2pm. Around .1” WV will fall in the afternoon and evening, for 1” of new snow. Wind on Friday will be SSW 35 all day, turning to W 30 after midnight.
Saturday currently looks snowy all day. The snow level will be 2500′ all day, dropping to 1000′ under partly cloudy sky in the evening. We’ll see .5-.6” WV between 5am and 5pm, for 5-6” of new snow. Another inch of snow may or may not fall in the evening before the precip ends. Wind on Saturday will be W 30-35 all day, dropping to W 20 after midnight. As of right now, it looks like we’ll see a few snow flurries on Sunday morning followed by sunshine.
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Gorge Wind Forecast
East wind at 25-30 at Rooster early turns calm by late morning and becomes W 20-23 from Mosier to Rufus after noon. Areas west of Rooster will likely see clouds, sprinkles, and gusty west wind at 12-15. River temp is 45 degrees and flow at The Dalles is 450kcfs. Thursday looks light and variable all day.
Friday starts off with east wind at 10-15 or less at Rooster and Stevenson. As a powerful weather system moves in, we’ll see strong SW wind across the region. Weather models suggest strong wind in the eastern Gorge, but the southerly component (and possible thunderstorms in the desert) suggest low-quality wind. That said, models suggest wind at SW 30 east of Maryhill for a few hours on Friday afternoon. Arlington and Threemile will be your best bets, and even then, I’m not sure it’ll be worth the drive.
Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
If you click right here , you’ll find NOAA’s coast forecast.
Random Morning Thoughts
So many of us, so much of the time, compromise our needs and desires in order to avoid conflict or give the person we’re interacting with their way. Sometimes it makes sense to do this. Compromise can be healthy.
On the other hand, when we constantly subvert our needs to the needs of others, we’re doing ourselves harm. One of the main reasons we do this is because we can’t tolerate creating or seeing distress in others. This boils down, I think, to differentiation, the ability to assert our own needs while still remaining in connection with other people and understanding that their pain is theirs to manage.
How do you respond when someone wants something different than you, or when someone blames you for a situation? Do you immediately give in, silencing your desires or opinions? Do you lash out? Or do you have a measured, meaningful conversation? None of these are right or wrong. They are just information about you.
That said, I would suggest that if you struggle to assert your needs (your style, btw, can vary across different domains of your life), you could learn something by exploring what causes you to turn away from your desires in a given situation. With understanding comes a wider variety of possible resopnses to these situations. Check it out. You might just learn something about yourself and the way you interact with others. Have an awesome day!
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 40 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s cloudy out there this morning and will stay that way until early afternoon when the sun will peek out for partly cloudy sky and sprinkles. Temps will be in the mid 40’s early and low 60’s later. East wind early, west wind in the afternoon. 99% chance of rainbows. Thursday looks mostly cloudy with light rain through early afternoon. Temps will be in the mid 40’s early and the low 60’s in the afternoon. Light wind. 32% chance of rainbows. Friday looks partly cloudy and showery. Temps will be in the mid 40’s early and the upper 50’s in the afternoon. Light wind early, strong wind later. 99% chance of rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
Syncline is good. Hospital Hill is good. Whoopdee is now open, and there is a work party on Sunday at 9:15 at the Whoopdee parking lot. Columbia Hills and Easy CLIMB are good to go. I’ve heard rumors that Post is open from Lower 8 Track and Mitchell Ridge down. Above that, there is tons of downed trees and snow. There’s lots of good road biking and gravel grinding to be had right now, especially with light wind over the next three days.
Upcoming Events
It’s Wednesday morning. There’s community meditation at Flow at 8:15. There’s community yoga at the FISH food bank at 10am. There’s ping pong at the Hood River Armory at 5pm and Zumba at the Parkdale Community Center at 6:30pm.
Looking at next weekend, Saturday is the Fred Meyer fuschia sale and a half-day meditation retreat at Yoga Samadi. The Mosier School is hosting the RWJ Health Prize celebration on Saturday. There’s an interpretive hike at the Trout Lake Marsh on Sunday, and there’s a work party on the Whoopdee Trail Sunday. In response to Greg Walden’s prior refusals to hold a town hall, his constituents organized one for this Saturday from 4-6:30 at Hood River Middle School. In response to this, Walden decided to hold two town halls in the Gorge next Wednesday: 11am in The Dalles and 3pm in Hood River. These incredibly convenient times for working folks are now in your awareness.
Have an awesome day today!