
9/6 forecast

First things first, this morning is the last CGWA swap meet of the season, so head down to the Expo Center in Hood River to get some new gear!

It’s going to be windy today, but my pick today is mountain biking. We got a quarter of an inch of rain yesterday, and Post Canyon was pretty much dust-free yesterday. Apparently someone put out a news bulletin, because there were crowds up there last night beating the raindrops into the trail. We’re getting another quarter inch today, so we’ll see some mud puddles by this afternoon.

But I know you windsurfers and kiters are looking for wind today, and you’ll get it. It’s going to be gusty and unreliable again, but it should be stronger out in the desert than it was yesterday. A front was headed towards the Gorge early, sparking off rain in Portland. That front will cross the Gorge midday, and that’s when you need to head east.

I think we’ll see 27-31 out at Arlington and Roosevelt from around 1:46pm until dark today. I can’t promise steady wind, and I can’t promise it’s going to be sunny, but I think it’s going to be worth driving this afternoon.

It’s looking like winds will shift back into the corridor, or at least to Doug’s and Rowena tomorrow as weak high pressure builds over the Northwest. Models suggest 17-20 out east to start, filling back towards Hood River by afternoon.

Tuesday looks like light easterlies.


9/5 forecast

I’m still thinking about that yummy meal I had at Sophie’s on Thursday night. Delicious. You really should go eat there!

Fall makes an early appearance in the central and western Gorge with rain showers today and tomorrow. This is great news for mountain bikers, who’ve been sliding around on ball-bearings for the last couple of months. By tomorrow, we should have enough rain banish the worst of the dust.

It’s not going to be a bad weekend on the water either. A strong cold front moves across the Gorge around midday, whipping up winds in the eastern Gorge. This isn’t exactly an ideal setup, but it will give us gusty, shifty afternoon winds in the 23-27 range. Strongest, steadiest winds will be out at Arlington and Roosevelt. The western gorge, under the clouds and in the rain, sees 14-17 or so. Honestly, this isn’t a great setup, but it’s better than nothing.

While you’re waiting for wind today, stop by Northwave from noon ‘til 2 for a free intermediate windsurfing clinic with long-time local instructor Cliff Ryden.

Tomorrow looks a little better as another front crosses the Gorge. Don’t be discouraged if it’s not windy in the morning. At this point, models think the afternoon will be best, with winds in the 28-32 range from Maryhill out to Arlington. Labor day weekend continues Monday as an upper trough crosses the northwest, and that should set up another round of eastern gorge winds.

In other news, don’t forget that tomorrow is the CGWA swap meet down at the Expo Center in Hood River, and it’s also the Old Timers picnic (I’m not sure what goes on there, but it sounds like fun) and Sailboat races in Cascade locks.