
928 forecast

Good morning everyone and good yontif to you Yom Kippur observers,

I got up this morning to do the radio report, and my internet service at home was down. Apparently my service provider is observing the High Holiday. “So much for going back to bed after I do this,” I thought, as I rushed to throw on some clothes so I could head to Doppio to poach internet. So right now, I’m sitting in my car downtown, freezing my butt off in a down jacket, while I do the radio and email forecasts.

Anyway, here’s your forecast.

It’s easterlies this morning, but west winds by midday. The back and forth between the east winds and west winds is making me dizzy.

The thermal trough slid east last night, and marine clouds poured into Portland. There’s about zero chance of sun in p-town today, so the desert’s going to give an added thermal push to today’s wind. We’ll see 24-28, maybe a bit better at times, from Hood River out to Arlington later today. I think best winds will be this morning, before an approaching front makes the wind variable and inconsistent.

A stronger front moves inland tomorrow, bringing clouds and rain at least to Hood River. High pressure building offshore behind that front gives a nice bump to the wind in the afternoon. It’s going to be pretty light in the morning, but afternoon winds look like 26-30 out in the desert. If the clouds stay west of The Dalles, best wind will be at Doug’s and Rowena. Otherwise, the steadiest wind will be at Arlington and Roosevelt.

At this point, it’s looking like the North Pacific High will rebuild off the coast on Wednesday, for another round of solid west winds through the Gorge.

That doesn’t mean it will be sunny. If you look at the 7-day forecast, you’ll see that Autumn has arrived, with chilly days and rain in the forecast for much of the week. Bye-bye summer. It was fun having you around for a few months. Come back soon, okay?

In other news, now that the Twin Tunnels have re-opened, the Mountain View alternative ride is back on. Grab your helmet, your bike lights and your dinner money, and leave the spandex and clipless pedals at home. Meet at Mountain View at 6pm for this mellow, cruiser ride out to the Thristy Woman in Mosier.


9.27 Forecast

First off, thanks to everyone who helped out at yesterday’s Hatchery work party, despite the tempting west winds!

Those westerlies disappear today, and east winds take over again. High pressure over the desert combines with a heat low along the coast for 23-26 in Stevenson and at Rooster Rock today. Midday looks best, with morning winds suffering from blanketing high pressure and evening winds suffering from an approaching front.

That front hits the Northwest tomorrow around midday or so, bringing another round of west winds to the Gorge. Fall fronts tend to give us gusty, unreliable wind in the Gorge. So, catch the gusty early 24-28 session in the corridor, and then wait for the evening session at Avery and Arlington. The late sesh should be in the 24-28 range also, but there’s a chance of stronger wind if everything lines up right.

A second, more powerful front hits the Gorge on Tuesday, for another round of westerlies. This front is looking cold and rainy, and the accompanying wind is looking like gusty low twenties out at Arlington and Threemile.

I can’t say it’s looking epic, but I do suggest you get what wind you can. Autumn is here, and ski season is just around the corner!

Before you give up on windsurfing and kiting, consider heading to the coast today. It’s looking like 20 knots or so, with a 10 foot swell at 13 seconds. Yesterday was super windy and over mast high, so today should have awesome waves too. I should probably mention that a shark bumped a surfer at Newport yesterday…