
The west wind streak continues today, for an almost-100% windy August so far. As an upper low sneaks across the BC border and into eastern Washington today, gradients build. Best winds will be east of the cloudline again, from Doug’s to Arlington, and strongest winds will be late in the day.

By midday, winds will be in the 22-25 range. By the time the working crowd gets out of the office, winds will be in the 24-28 range from Doug’s eastward. Steadiest winds will be at southerly-favored spots like Avery and Arlington. There is the possibility of 28-32, but gradients started off pretty weak this morning, so I’m thinking that’s pretty unlikely.

Westerlies continue tomorrow as high pressure builds at the coast. We start off with teens in the corridor, building to 21-25 from Stevenson to Doug’s in the afternoon.

It looks like we’ll still see west winds on Sunday, just enough to get you on the water with a kite or a 5.0 sail. (Maybe.)

If you like coastal sailing, head to the South Coast for the weekend for small-craft-advisory winds and mini swell.

Other stuff happening in the next couple days includes the Moth World championship in Cascade Locks through Saturday. Also on Saturday is the women-only Ladyfingers ride out of Dirty Fingers bike repair. Coffee’s at 8:30 for that ride, and the pedaling begins at 9:00. For more event details, check out the

Finally, on Saturday night, Hood River Parks and Rec plays Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade on the big screen at Jackson Park. Apologies to all local theatre owners, but it’s one of my all-time favorites!

Whatever you do today, have an awesome day!


8.13 forecast

I was out last night (yes, off my couch… amazing) and almost froze to death. Seriously. It was chilly out there. I was all bundled up in a ski jacket. I called my friend Arthur to complain (he controls the weather within the city limits… never mind that I was outside the city limits, but I had forgotten that) and he informed me that it was 68 degrees. I don’t think that’s possible.

Speaking of the City of Hood River – and I’ll keep this quick – if you do not vote for the gas tax increase, there will be approximately 50% less money for snowplowing, meaning approximately 50% less snowplowing, next year and the next four years after that. Now, isn’t that worth about $30/year out of your pocket?

(end of political ranting… for now…)

West winds continue their run today as clouds cover western Oregon. Morning gradients were at .10 and winds were blowing in the teens from Hood River to Doug’s. With the cloudline just east of Hood River, best winds will be from Doug’s to Arlington today (best from Mosier to Avery). An upper low off the BC coast makes it a bit gusty, but we’ll see 24-28 east of Hood River starting around midday today, and lasting until dark.

The upper low shifts east tonight and high pressure builds at the coast. Dawn patrol in the low twenties is likely tomorrow, with winds building into the upper twenties by afternoon tomorrow.

Saturday brings a typical Gorge setup. A ridge of high pressure builds at the coast and tempeartuers climb in the desert. The Corridor will be the place to be on Saturday, as westerlies hold in the twenty-something range.

In biking news, the Dirty Divas ride Hospital Hill at 9am today. Speaking of… remember that Hospital Hill is private land, and we’re only there thanks to the super-generous Kreps family. Please take good care of the trail system, respect all posted signs and buy beer and bake cookies for any Kreps you might run into! Tonight is the post and pint ride. PC is dusty, but still in great shape (I rode it last night and had an excellent time, and you know I’m picky!), and the Dirty Fingers bike repair after-party is always happening. Come to think of it, I’m going to skip the ride and just join the after party, just because I can!

Finally, don’t forget that the Moth world championships are in Cascade Locks all week. They’re really cool, fast little boats, and well worth the drive! Too bad your legislator hasn’t approved funding for a bike trail between HR and Cascade Locks, or you could ride your bike there. Give your representative’s office a call when you have a chance…