
Labor day forecast 2009

Good morning and happy Labor day! Mother Nature’s going to cooperate today with better weather than we saw over the weekend. With a drying trend in place, my pick today is mountain biking, again.

As of yesterday afternoon, Seven Streams was getting muddy, Mitchell ridge was slick, and Knebal and 8 Mile were in epic, almost-dust-free shape. With the snow level at 7,000 feet last night, the most beautiful ride today is probably going to be Ape Canyon, if St. Helens can pull out of the clouds. If not, maybe tomorrow.

I was actually all set to go skiing at T-line this morning (by the way, Fusion passes go on sale tomorrow… that’s T-line and Skibowl together for one low price), but it’s raining up there. I was hoping for 6 inches of new, but it wasn’t to be. How cool would that have been?

On the windsurfing and kiting scene, a high pressure system moves into the Gorge today, keeping gradients from amounting to much. On top of that, forecast highs are 69 in Porltand and 70 in The Dalles, meaning we’re not going to get much help in that department either. So, I think we’re looking at a light wind day, maybe 10-14 through the central and near east Gorge at best later today.

Tomorrow’s looking like very light east winds through the Gorge as high pressure holds over the northwest. That will be shortlived – a front hits the Gorge on Wednesday for a return to west winds.

In other news, if you were hoping for free Tai Chi and Chi Gong this week, you’ll have to wait until next week. There’s no class due to the holiday today. Mountain View Cycle’s alternative ride is also cancelled today, due to the twin tunnels being closed.

Whatever you do today, have an awesome day!


9/6 forecast

First things first, this morning is the last CGWA swap meet of the season, so head down to the Expo Center in Hood River to get some new gear!

It’s going to be windy today, but my pick today is mountain biking. We got a quarter of an inch of rain yesterday, and Post Canyon was pretty much dust-free yesterday. Apparently someone put out a news bulletin, because there were crowds up there last night beating the raindrops into the trail. We’re getting another quarter inch today, so we’ll see some mud puddles by this afternoon.

But I know you windsurfers and kiters are looking for wind today, and you’ll get it. It’s going to be gusty and unreliable again, but it should be stronger out in the desert than it was yesterday. A front was headed towards the Gorge early, sparking off rain in Portland. That front will cross the Gorge midday, and that’s when you need to head east.

I think we’ll see 27-31 out at Arlington and Roosevelt from around 1:46pm until dark today. I can’t promise steady wind, and I can’t promise it’s going to be sunny, but I think it’s going to be worth driving this afternoon.

It’s looking like winds will shift back into the corridor, or at least to Doug’s and Rowena tomorrow as weak high pressure builds over the Northwest. Models suggest 17-20 out east to start, filling back towards Hood River by afternoon.

Tuesday looks like light easterlies.