
9.27 Forecast

First off, thanks to everyone who helped out at yesterday’s Hatchery work party, despite the tempting west winds!

Those westerlies disappear today, and east winds take over again. High pressure over the desert combines with a heat low along the coast for 23-26 in Stevenson and at Rooster Rock today. Midday looks best, with morning winds suffering from blanketing high pressure and evening winds suffering from an approaching front.

That front hits the Northwest tomorrow around midday or so, bringing another round of west winds to the Gorge. Fall fronts tend to give us gusty, unreliable wind in the Gorge. So, catch the gusty early 24-28 session in the corridor, and then wait for the evening session at Avery and Arlington. The late sesh should be in the 24-28 range also, but there’s a chance of stronger wind if everything lines up right.

A second, more powerful front hits the Gorge on Tuesday, for another round of westerlies. This front is looking cold and rainy, and the accompanying wind is looking like gusty low twenties out at Arlington and Threemile.

I can’t say it’s looking epic, but I do suggest you get what wind you can. Autumn is here, and ski season is just around the corner!

Before you give up on windsurfing and kiting, consider heading to the coast today. It’s looking like 20 knots or so, with a 10 foot swell at 13 seconds. Yesterday was super windy and over mast high, so today should have awesome waves too. I should probably mention that a shark bumped a surfer at Newport yesterday…


9/26 Winter storm warning forecast

First off, if you’re a windsurfer or a kiter, you should be at the Hatchery this morning to help CGWA with their annual hatch work party. Da Kine has kicked down a bunch of swag, so you’ve got double the reason to help out.

Second, on behalf of everyone in HR without 4WD, I’d thank you to everyone who took the time to vote yes on the gas tax. It passed yesterday by the slim margin of three votes. Yes, your vote did make a difference, and yes, there will be snowplows and streetsweepers in Hood River this winter!

Plus, it’s going to be windy at the Hatchery. The early gradient was at .14, and the North Pacific High is rocking the coast. This is an ideal setup, so we’ll see 26-30 today (with a slight chance of 30-33), pretty much all day long. Best wind will be in the Corridor, but Stevenson, Rowena and Mosier should be just fine later today.

If you’d prefer east winds (and don’t we all), you’ll get your chance tomorrow. High pressure slips eastward, and east winds blow all day Sunday. At this point, 26-30 seems like a safe call for tomorrow’s east winds.

Winds switch direction yet again on Monday, with another round of westerlies.

Now, if you really want something fun to do today, head to the coast, anywhere on the coast, for 25-plus knots with a 6 foot NW swell. 6 feet doesn’t sound like much, but this is 6 feet at 16 seconds. It’s going to be amazing.

For you mountain bikers, today is the Dirty Fingers campout at Lewis River. Come out for the party tonight, and ride the Boundary Trail tomorrow. It’s an epic 20 mile ride, and well worth the trip.

Today at the Hood River Armory is Fight Gone Bad, a Crossfit charity workout. It’s worth stopping by just to spectate.

It’s worth mentioning that NOAA is predicting snow down to pass levels by the middle of next week, so shake the summer cobwebs out of your head and start thinking powder!

Whatever you do today, have an awesome day!