
11/12 Wind and Snow Forecast

Opening Day at Meadows
Opening Day at Meadows

Good morning! Sorry I missed you guys yesterday. First day of snowphone and first day at the mountain is always chaotic.

Let’s start off with a word of happiness from our friends at NOAA: “THE CASCADES WILL SEE SIGNIFICANT ACCUMULATIONS OF SNOW OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS.”

That’s nice, isn’t it? Today’s snow will come this morning, in the form of an intense band of frontal showers. NOAA says 3-7”, and I’m thinking we’ll end up in the lower end of that range. Tonight, however, a stronger, colder system piles into the Cascades, keeping snow levels around 3000 feet. After this front passes, strong west flow will bring lots of snow tomorrow. I think 8-12 inches is reasonable from tonight into tomorrow.

If you’re looking for bluebird on the mountain, your best chance will be on Saturday, when high pressure takes hold for a few hours, possibly clearing skies. At this point, it looks like the snow level will take a jump into the 6000 foot range on Sunday, but as of now, it looks like the bulk of the rain will be north of us. Cross your fingers!

If you’d like to windsurf or kite (Ron, Dave, Laura, Dangler), tomorrow is looking quite good after the front passes. Strong high pressure moves in off the Oregon coast, setting up big westerly gradients across the Gorge. 24-27 east of Hood River seems a fair call for tomorrow, with stronger winds possible if everything sets up right.

Other than that, we’ve got the fashion show coming up Friday night. If you haven’t RSVP’ed on Facebook, you can do so here:

And if you haven’t RSVP’ed for the Hood River Snow Show (you had better go to this one, or I’ll be very sad), you can get in on that bit of action here:

Have a great day today. I’ll be working my butt off today and tomorrow, so get in a ride or some turns for me!


Let’s ski already 11/10

Good morning!

I’m looking out my window toward Underwood Mountain, and it’s gone. Underwood, not the window. That’s a pretty nasty inversion cloud hanging in the Gorge this morning. Up at Meadows, it’s partly cloudy with another 4 inches of new snow.

Tomorrow is opening day, with 32 inches on the ground and another 4-8 forecasted as opening day accumulation. Models show more snow coming up this week, as the jet stream kindly sends more storms our way. It’s going to be a fabulous week of base-building up on the hill.

Other than that, we’ve got the fashion show coming up Friday night. If you haven’t RSVP’ed on Facebook, you can do so here:

And if you haven’t RSVP’ed for the Hood River Snow Show, you can get in on that bit of action here:

That’s about it for now. I’m off to record the snowphone. And in answer to a couple of questions, no, there is no night skiing yet. And no, the lift-op schedule isn’t set yet. It will be by the end of the day, and you can find out at the Meadows website or on the snowphone (541) 386-7547, where you can catch my scary-ultra-perky voice until it’s recorded over later today.

Have a great day today. See you on the mountain tomorrow!