
Good morning!

The tack alert on the mountain bike trails is now a freeze alert. Post and Hospital are hard, fast and rideable. I’m not sure what’s going on at Syncline, but it doesn’t handle freeze-thaw cycles well. So, if it’s sunny, it’s probably best to let Syncline turn into sticky mud without the help of your trench-making tires.

Today’s wind forecast is brought to you by … west wind… yes, that’s right. A weak front slides overhead today, kicking off a round of 19-23 westerlies. If you’re insane, feel free to go windsurfing or kiting in sub-freezing weather today. Tomorrow looks like like easterlies, so you can start your weekend by avoiding the water. Otherwise, save yourself for the real insanity of strong east winds and sub-zero wind chill on Sunday.

I have a better idea: stock up on cocoa and firewood, and head to downtown HR tonight for Christmas tree lighting. I still don’t understand why there isn’t a 30-foot menorah downtown. Hanukkah comes first this year, after all.

There’s not much snow in the forecast. We might see an inch or two (at most) down in the valley and up on the hill over the next few days, but we’re waiting until next week for the big powder dumps (hopefully up on the hill and not down in the valley).
