
Let’s ski already 11/10

Good morning!

I’m looking out my window toward Underwood Mountain, and it’s gone. Underwood, not the window. That’s a pretty nasty inversion cloud hanging in the Gorge this morning. Up at Meadows, it’s partly cloudy with another 4 inches of new snow.

Tomorrow is opening day, with 32 inches on the ground and another 4-8 forecasted as opening day accumulation. Models show more snow coming up this week, as the jet stream kindly sends more storms our way. It’s going to be a fabulous week of base-building up on the hill.

Other than that, we’ve got the fashion show coming up Friday night. If you haven’t RSVP’ed on Facebook, you can do so here:

And if you haven’t RSVP’ed for the Hood River Snow Show, you can get in on that bit of action here:

That’s about it for now. I’m off to record the snowphone. And in answer to a couple of questions, no, there is no night skiing yet. And no, the lift-op schedule isn’t set yet. It will be by the end of the day, and you can find out at the Meadows website or on the snowphone (541) 386-7547, where you can catch my scary-ultra-perky voice until it’s recorded over later today.

Have a great day today. See you on the mountain tomorrow!


11.9 Forecast

Good morning!

I forgot to mention yesterday that the 44 Road has 12” of snow on it, and is looking done for the season. I haven’t heard that it’s closed, but I have heard it’s a mess for driving. That means you’re done mountain biking Knebal, Surveyor’s, 8-mile, etc., until next spring. Luckily, ski season officially starts on Wednesday with the opening of Meadows (Timberline is already open with limited operations).

Today on the slopes, there will be a few sprinkles at lower elevations before the front passes. Don’t worry. It’s okay. We like a little rain on the base, especially when it’s followed by another 4-8 inches of snow or so.

Speaking of snow, my friend Alex and I laid in first tracks of the season by anyone (as best we could tell) down upper Skibowl yesterday. The snow was terrible – wet, heavy, dense – but we still had fun.

At this point, it looks like the snow level will hover between 3000 and 4500 feet this week, meaning more and more and more snow at Meadows, perhaps a 12-18” total by the end of the week. C’mon snow!

Your best chance for wind in the next couple of days is the weak easterlies blowing in Stevenson right now, but a torrential downpour is headed that way, so be prepared to get wet…

Also, this Friday is the Gala Fashion Show in Hood River. You know it’s the coolest event of the year, so you’d better be there! All proceeds benefit the Hood River Christmas Project.

Coming up the 21st is the Hood River Snow Show, a triple-team $5 party brought to you by Mt. Hood Meadows, 2nd Wind, and IPS Skate shop. All proceeds benefit local youth ski and snowboard teams, so you’d better be there. Plus, we’re raffling off a season pass, a pair of sick skis, and a wicked nice snowboard!

Have a great day today!
