
3/7 Forecast

Good morning!

It’s another gorgeous day. If you like sunshine, take advantage of it, because winter returns tomorrow.

The previous forecast models looks like we’d have lots of snow early in this week, but they’ve backed off on precipitation amounts now. According to NWAC, we’ll see about .25″ of water value between now and tomorrow. With cold temps accompanying the moisture, we could see 3-5″ out of that small water amount. Another few inches of snow will fall during the day tomorrow. Tuesday looks dry, but snow returns to the hills on Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday night through Saturday look like fresh snow days on the slopes.

Of course, that forecast goes a long ways out, so it’s subject to change. Plan on clearing your schedule Thursday or Friday, if you can, and plan on skiing Saturday.

If we only see .25″ of rain tonight, we’ll still have trails okay for biking tomorrow, Elevation gain may be limited by snow levels around 1000 feet. A dusting of snow is possible in the Upper Valley, even.

In wind news, as the sun warms the gorge today, westerlies will pick up. A dual-sport or triple sport day looks likely today, with corridor winds blowing in the 19-22 range, stronger if we’re really lucky. A weak front slides over the gorge tonight. Cool temps and high pressure building in its wake drive winds tomorrow. Go east of the low clouds tomorrow for chilly west winds in the 28-32 range. If we’re really lucky, we could see a big Corridor, Doug’s or Mosier day tomorrow – models tend to underestimate winds with high pressure at the coast. Timing of fronts later in the week is questionable, but I think we’ll see a big day out east towards the end of the week. Ready?

Have a great day today!



3/6 Forecast

Good morning!

Due to lack of interesting weather, the forecast has been vacationing.

It’s back, thanks to a request from Johnathon. Plus, there’s weather
to talk about.

First off, it’s sunny on the mountain today, and there’s great
mountain biking in the valley. Syncline is in great shape, and the
front side of Hospital Hill is in great shape (although not Triple
Bypass). Post is reported to be muddy, so please leave the dirt on the
trail and stay out of there for now. Road biking is also excellent
right now. I rode the 30 to The Dalles a couple of days ago, and
there’s little to no gravel on the road.

Now, on to more interesting weather.

Windsurfers and kiters, Monday is your day. A front hits the
Northwest, and high pressure builds at the coast behind the frontal
pasage. Timing looks perfect for a 29-34mph day at Arlington,
Roosevelt, Threemile and quite possibly The Wall and Doug’s. I have
made my plans for Arlington, so if you’d like to carpool, let’s chat.
It’s going to be cold, but it should be near-epic. We’ll likely see
another big westerly day on Thursday.

If you’re looking for snow, Mother Nature will provide for you this
week. Snow levels will be quite low, 1000-2000 feet this week, meaning
we’re looking at powder, powder, powder. 5-8″ Monday, not much
Tuesday, then a big, strong storm Wednesday. It’s unclear when this
one will hit, but either Wednesday or Thursday will be epic. Wednesday
night is looking great, if you have to work.

Gardeners, you’re screwed. =)

Rock climbers, OH8 is open for business, with sunshine, no ticks, no
leaves on the oak, and no rattlesnakes.

Have a great day today!
