Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour
The 15th Annual Mt. Adams Country Bicycle Tour on June 24th will have you cycling on quiet country roads around the Trout Lake area with Mt. Adams right over your shoulder. Four ride options include an 11½-mile Family Friendly ride, a 51-mile Trout Lake – BZ Corner – Glenwood Loop, a 54-mile Forest Route and a 105-mile Infinity Ride. All rides feature well-marked routes, well-stocked rest stops, lunch and dinner options, plus sag wagons, repair support and emergency coverage. It’s a carefree ride through some of the most spectacular scenery in the Pacific Northwest. More information and online registration on
Gorge Wind Forecast
Yesterday weak cold front came through much later than expected, and did a lot more disruption to the wind field than originally anticipated. Frustrating! One thing I can report is that 302kcfs is a fine flow for the Rufus stretch of the river – while still a lot of current, it seemed pretty manageable to me. Now, looking at today, the models show a less stable atmospheric profile with more wind on the river. There’s a weak weather system moving inland far to the north, and some scattered high clouds above us. Gradients at 7am were .13 (pdx-dls) and .04 (dls-psc).
The GFS indicates the wind will stay at the morning speed until mid-afternoon, when we’ll see a bit of a bump. Given the setup, I think we’ll see gusty 19-23 from Swell to Doug’s this morning with gusty 15-18 to the west of Swell and east of Doug’s. As things settle down this afternoon, the wind should pick up to inconsistent 21-26 from Stevenson to Rufus, backing off at Arlington. I have decided to increase the wind ranges when I expect inconsistent wind. Makes sense, right? Your best bets for consistent wind today are probably going to be Stevenson, the Event Site/Wunderbar and Avery. You’ll want to take advantage of this wind, because it’s the last the Gorge will see until Monday (see the Jones/Sauvie’s/Coast forecast for other options).
(continued after the chart)
Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | E 15-20 | E 15-20 | E 15-20 | E 15-20 | |
Steven’s Locks | E 5-10 | E 10-15 | E 10-15 | E 10-15 | |
Hatchery/White Salmon Sandbar (minus a few for Hood River) | light | light | light | light | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | light | light | light | light | |
Rufus, etc. | light | light | light | light | |
Roosevelt, etc. | light | light | light | light | |
Gorge Wind Forecast, continued.
Thursday might start off with light westerlies at 5-10, but they’ll quickly die off, leaving us with calm wind. Saturday, Beach Bash (formerly known as Windfest), will have east wind at 5-10 in the western Gorge and calm wind in Hood River. Sunday looks hot with east wind at 15-20 in the western Gorge and 5-8 in the afternoon near Hood River.
Things get interesting on Monday. An upper level low sits somewhere off the coast, setting us up with muggy weather and southerly flow. We’ll see some sort of gusty west wind in the afternoon, but we’re also quite likely to see thunderstorms. Keep an eye on next Tuesday for a day you might want to clear a few hours. Long ways out to be forecasting, tho. Wednesday also looks possible.
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Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Beta Test Forecast
Jones Wednesday: 21-24. Thursday: light W. Friday: no. Sauvie’s Wednesday: 15-18. Thursday: 15-18. Friday: 13-16. Coast (north/central/south). Wednesday: 25-30/30-35/40+, W swell 7′ @ 7 seconds. Thursday: 25-30/30-35/40+, W 7′ @ 8. Friday: 25-30/30-35/depends, NW 6′ @ 7.
Mt. Hood Snow Forecast
Nothing to see here.
Random Morning Thoughts
If mountain biking were like windsurfing… You’d show up at the trailhead ready to ride. As soon as you pumped up your tires, you’d look around and see that the trail had disappeared. You’d wait around for a while, hoping the trail would come back. Frustrated, you’d finally leave, only to have your more patient friends call you that evening and say that the trail reappeared five minutes after you left.
If mountain biking were like kiting… You’d show up at Post Canyon to ride GP-Float On-Kleeway. At 9am, it would be just as Jason built it. On your second lap at 9:45, the berms would be twice as big with tacky dirt. Wanting more of that, you’d go for a third lap, even though you were tired. On the third lap, the berms and tacky dirt would have totally disappeared, leaving you with a trail resembling Spaghetti Factory in August – flat and super dusty.
We windsports people tend to get focused on participating in our favorite water sport. That single-minded focus is great because it makes us good at what we do. On the other hand, it leaves us open for disappointment and frustration. The Gorge has a gazillion outdoor sports. Keep your mind open to a backup plan, and you’ll always have an awesome day!
Disclaimer required by my grad school program: I am not your therapist (but I could be 27 graduate school credits from now). I am your weather forecaster. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, and consult with your actual therapist about your mental health issues. One other thing: I plan to keep doing this forecast indefinitely, even when I am a therapist.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s mostly clear this morning with scattered high clouds, and we should have pure sun by the afternoon. Temps will be in the mid 50’s early and near 80 later. Moderate wind. No rainbows. Thursday looks sunny. Temps will be in the low 50’s early and near 85 in the afternoon. Calmish wind. No rainbows. Friday looks sunny. Temps will be in the low 50’s early and the upper 80’s in the afternoon. Light east wind. No rainbows. The weekend looks hot and not-windy, with temps in the 90’s.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Day
Road and Mountain Biking
Good news: Fifteenmile and Falls Creek are confirmed open. There are a few trees and small patches of snow on Falls Creek, and there are two trees down on Fifteenmile, one on a downhill with very little notice. There’s fresh chipseal on Marsh Cutoff.
Upcoming Events
Today’s events include ladies kite and windsurf night at the Hood River Event Site from 5 til dusk. If you’re thinking about it, let the possibility of raffle prizes give you a nudge to show up. There’s ping pong tonight at 5:30 at the Hood River Armory, Sailboat races at 6 at the Hood River Marina, and Community Yoga at Samadhi in White Salmon at 6.
This weekend is the Beach Bash, with SUP and windsurf demos on Saturday and Sunday at the Event Site. There’s a free concert Saturday night at the Waterfront Park in Hood River. There are two supported bike rides Saturday, the always- fabulous Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour in Trout Lake and a fundraiser bike ride at the Mt. Hood Town Hall. On Sunday, Skibowl and Timberline are hosting an Enduro mountain bike race. There’s a work party on the Punchbowl Falls trails at 9am on Saturday morning. There’s a work party on the 180 trail in Post Canyon on Saturday morning.
The World Naked Bike Ride is in Portland Saturday night. Should be perfect weather for nudity – the forecast high is 91 degrees.
Have an awesome day today!