
2/10 forecast

Good morning!

I want each and every one of you to get down on your knees and start praying to your favorite gods, or get up and dance to your god, if that’s your thing, because I need a little help with the snow levels over the next few days.

Snow levels look fine today for a few inches of snow. Tomorrow, though, they look questionable. If snow falls on the mountain tomorrow, it’s going to be heavy, but at least it will be snow. 50/50 is my call at this point. I think by tomorrow night, it will be all snow, all the time, meaning Thursday night skiing might be the best call this week.

A little more snow falls on Friday, and with colder temps, that should be good snow. I think it will be a decent day at T-line and Meadows on Friday. Saturday does not look good at this point, with rising snow levels and a good chance of rain. I need all of you to do your sacrifices and dances and prayers for Saturday. Please.

If nothing else, do you dance for Skibowl, because they are going to get hammered with rain during this system. Poor Skibowl. They have such fun terrain and so little snow. We might have to make a pilgrimage just for the nachos, if this lack of snow at low elevations continues.

In the mountain biking world, you have Syncline, Hospital Hill and Columbia Hills available and rideable right now. Get them today, because the rain over the next few days will ruin the riding for a bit. Mitchell from Dirty Fingers told me last night that he has more riding to tell about, but I didn’t get the details. Today…

Don’t forget that Ranger Jimmy T presents an avalanche awareness clinic at Dog River tomorrow night. 7pm. Free class. Beer is not free, but can be purchased there.

In the wind world, speed sailors get there chance at the coast on Thursday and Friday, with high winds blasting through during the daylight hours. Gorge winds will blow Thursday night, but that doesn’t help the crazy winter windsurfers and kiters much at all.

I almost forgot… Meadows is doing speed dating on Blue on Valentine’s Day. I think it’s a cute idea, so if you’re single and need a ski buddy of the opposite sex (I think they should have a same-sex line too, but I’m not in charge), head up there!

That’s about it in the recreation world for today. Pray for snow!



2/8 Forecast

Good morning!

Once again, it’s been all’s quiet on the weather front around here. It looks like we’re in for a change towards the end of the week, thankfully.

It’s biking weather through Wednesday, with temperatures near 50 in the valley and only a slight chance of rain each day. Or you can head to the mountain for sunshine the next couple of days.

If you prefer powder to sunshine, you’ll have some on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, as the jet stream takes aim at the PNW. It’s hard to make a good call this far out, but right now I’m picking Friday as the best powder day. But Thursday night could be really good as well. We might even get some wind on the slopes with this storm cycle… I’m so tired of skiing Mt. Hood with no wind. I feel like I’m someplace else this season!

In mountain bike world, if you’re a member of CAMBA, you have Columbia Hills State Park as another mountain biking option now. Well, you have for 6 years, but Arthur is really pushing it now. Ask him for a map… or I think Mitchell at Dirty Fingers may have a few maps too. The trail is rough – but it will get better if more people ride it – and the scenery is beautiful.

Later this week, Jimmy T and the USFS present a free avalanche awareness clinic at Dog River Coffee. That’s Thursday at 7pm. Even if you don’t ski the BC, this is a not-to-be-missed clinic. All your friends will be there, so you should go too.

And about the wind… not much in sight for the next couple of days.

Have a great day today!
