
3/10 forecast

Good morning!

Sadly, there is no powder alert this morning. Only 3″ of new snow fell at Meadows last night. It’s better than nothing, and the groom crew was raving about their work at 5am, but I (and all of you) wanted a big powder day. Instead, we’re all holding out for Friday now. Cross your fingers… Friday’s going to be a windy one on the slopes, but hopefully it will be a big snow day too.

On to more important things: I rode Post Canyon yesterday. You know how I feel about muddy trails, right? You know how I bitch and moan if you ride when trails are muddy? Well, Post wasn’t muddy yesterday. Seriously. I rode Mitchell Ridge (and whoever the f*&kers are who’ve been riding dirt bikes up Mitchell Ridge, you suck) yesterday, and it’s in dry-to-tacky shape. We did have a little rain last night, and that might change it, but I bet by this afternoon, it will be perfect again.

If you’re going up there, please skip the very first section of trail along the road, as it is muddy and will be damaged by your tires.

Speaking of Post, a big thank you goes out to everyone who has ever worked on trails up there. I ran into a couple of world-class pro riders up there yesterday (we’ll leave them unnamed), who were blown away by the trail work. They were convinced that we have armies of paid contractors working on our trail system. So, nice work, everyone!

And speaking of work parties, a big thank you goes out to Doug Van Zandt for all his work on Spaghetti Factory. He’s organizing a trail work party for this Saturday to add more fun stuff to that trail. Meet at 9am at the bottom of Post. Bring tools, gloves, etc. Contact info:

If you’re a dirt biker, there’s a CGORA party on the 21st to work on the #140 trail. More info is on the event calendar at

Also, there’s a pump track work party at the corner of East Forden and Methodist in HR on the 21st from 2pm to whenever. This party includes a keg, I’ve been told. Contact Matt @ 509-637-5352 for more information.

Wind? Best chance is Friday afternoon out east. It doesn’t look very promising.

Have a great day today!



3/9 Forecast

Good morning!

Nice work yesterday, windsurfers and kiters. I couldn’t make it out, but I hear stories that it was a fun day on the water. You might see some light westerlies today (brrr… there’s snow on Underwood Mountain!) in the 17-20 range, fading early, but your next best chance to sail or kite is tomorrow. A weak front crossing tonight combines with high pressure at the coast tomorrow for 22-26 on the river.

It’s going to be a good opportunity for the classic daily double.

Snow levels stay low tonight and .25″-.5″ of water value drops on Mt. Hood. We’ll see 4-8″ of snow overnight, powder snow, not that heavy concrete we’ve had all season. Next chance for powder skiing is Thursday night, followed by Friday and Saturday. Only have one day? Friday looks good.

In mountain biking land, I had a report yesterday that the Super D in Post was in perfect shape. Unfortunately, last night’s rain and snow likely ruined that. If anyone rides today, let me know how it is out there… snowy, I’d guess, judging by what I can see out the window.

Have a great day today. See you on the slopes tomorrow!
