
Monday 5/24 Forecast

Good morning!

Today and tomorrow look like light wind days in the Gorge, as a low pressure trough equalizes pressures on the east and west sides of the cascades. If you’re really, really, really desperate for wind, you can head to the coast this afternoon for 25-30 knot south winds with a 4 foot west swell.

Since you’re probably not going to be spending time on the Columbia today, you might want to think about a bike ride. Post Canyon is in excellent shape, with the exception of a few muddy areas on the Super D course. If you’re competing in the Super D next Sunday, the course should be fully marked by Thursday for practice runs and if you want to race the super D, you must register by Saturday – there’s no day of race registration.

Dirty Fingers Bike Repair will be running a shuttle of the Super D instead of the usual Post and Pint this Thursday. If you’d like to participate, great. If you’d be willing to be a shuttle driver, even better. Shuttle drivers get a free DF T-shirt (if they want) and free beer (after driving!). Give DF a call at 541-308-0420 if you’re available to drive Thursday around 5pm.

Also in bike world, according to Ranger Jim, whose word is the gospel, Surveyor’s ridge is now clear of snow and downed trees from top to bottom.

And don’t forget that tonight is Mountain View’s Alternative Ride. Helmet and some form of light required. Clipless pedals and spandex not allowed. You’ll ride to Mosier and back, stopping for food and beer at the Thirsty Woman.

Boaters, the White Salmon’s at 3.75 feet, the Little White’s right around 3.0 feet, and the Hood’s at 3.95 feet.

If you’ve lived around here forever and haven’t gone down the White Salmon, there’s a Skamania/Klickitat county locals’ day coming up on June 5th with $15 rafting. Call Wet Planet for more details. I went rafting on the White Salmon with Wet Planet yesterday, with a great guide named Drew, and I totally recommend it. Go check it out!

Have a great day today!



5/23 forecast. Dang nice sunrise today.

Good morning Gorge sports fanatics!

First thing this morning is a request about Hospital Hill from one of the local bike shops. Hospital Hill is a great trail, and then landowners are great people for letting us use it. All they ask is that you leave your dog at home when the cows are out.

Yes, that means you with the cute puppy, and that means you with the old dog that wouldn’t harm a fly. The cows are out right now, so please do not bring your dogs to hospital hill. The Kreps are incredibly generous people to let you use their land, so please respect their wishes and leave your dog at home.

Current trail conditions: The Whoopdee Trail that shall not be named is in perfect riding shape, at least through the whoops. Post was a muddy disaster two days ago, but I’m not sure how it was yesterday. Muddy, I’d guess. If you ride today and want to let me know, that would be great. Syncline is in great shape. Lewis River is now open. Surveyor’s from Pine Mont up at least 7.5 miles is great. Ape Canyon = totally closed due to snow for now. =( Watch for morels, wherever you go!

Now, on to wind sports. Before you hit the water today, make sure to stop at Windance for the multi-sport swap meet (free coffee from CGWA). After that, you have permission to go to the Big Winds Beach bash at the Event Site (free demos of all sorts). It’s not going to be a huge day on the water, but we’ll see 17-20 east of the Corridor pretty much all day today. In the corridor, we’ll see gusty single digits to low teens.

Tomorrow and Tuesday both look light, as low pressure at the coast matches with low pressure in the desert for near-zero gradient across the Gorge.

Boaters, according to Wet Planet, the Wind’s at 5.2 feet, the White Salmon’s at 3.75 feet and the Hood River’s at 4.1 feet. I’m going down the White Salmon with them today. Yippee… what a nice, warm, sunny, lovely day for a raft trip. Yeah…

Other things going on today include a race through the Twin Tunnels to support the Mosier School and a Columbia Gorge Off Road Association work party up on Kingsley road.

That’s it for today. Whatever you do today, have an awesome day!