
Sunday: dumping snow for mt. hood! westerlies for the gorge! yay!

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast – 5000′
Snow level 4a-8a 8a-12p 12p-4p 4p-8p 8p-4a

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast

Hey everyone! Here we go with a week of almost-all snow and tons of moisture. Between Sunday night (when I’m writing this) and next Friday morning, models give us 4.5” to 6.0” water equivalent for 4 to 6 feet of new snow. Excellent! Best power? Probably Monday, but Thursday won’t be too shabby either. Let’s talk about some details so you can plan your week.

For Sunday night, it’ll be ripping windy and dumping snow thanks to orographic assistance. The snow level falls from 4000′ Sunday afternoon to 1000′ around midnight and 500-1000′ after midnight. About 1.5” water equivalent (WE) is forecast overnight for 13-18” of increasingly dry snow. It is windy enough that the snow could be wind affected – drifting, sastrugi, windslab are all possible. Make sure you have avy gear and ride with a partner on Monday. Snow continues on Monday. The snow level will be 500-1000-‘ early, 1500′ in the afternoon, and as low as 0’ overnight into Tuesday. About 0.5” WE is forecast Monday daytime for 6-7” powder. Another 0.3” WE falls overnight for 3-4” additional powder. Given the wind direction, we could see 20-30% more snow. Wind: WNW 35-40 early, WNW 20-30 in the afternoon, and W 25 overnight.

Light snow on Tuesday gives way to heavier snow overnight. The snow level will be 0′ in the morning, 2000′ in the afternoon, and 4000′ overnight. About 0.3” WE falls during the day for 3-4” dry powder. Overnight, 0.7” WE of increasingly heavy snow falls atop the fluffy stuff. Wind: W 25-30 all day turning to WSW 20-40 overnight.

Wednesday looks warmer – snow level 4000′ during the day – with a couple inches of fresh snow during the day. Very heavy precip is forecast overnight – 1.2” WE or so. Temps at 5000′ are forecast to rise to +1C, so we could see a brief switchover to snain. That said, the precip intensity will be so high that it might just stay snow. Wind will be very strong, but it’ll be from the SW. This will limit orographic enhancement. Still… 1-1.5 feet of snow are forecast for the 24 hours period. Cooler weather with additional snow is forecast Thursday into Friday. Next weekend looks cool. In other words, this will be a great powder week, and the snowpack will stay excellent all the way through (at least) next weekend. Sounds good to me. Enjoy!  

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Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends! We learned today that a strong NW cold front can drag the wind down to the surface in the eastern Gorge, even if the direction won’t be right for Rufus. Good to know, because we may see a similar situation play out Wednesday. For Monday, we’ll have a cold front pushing inland plus offshore high pressure plus a low in the desert. Reality may beat the models, and the models look good. Early wind will be 11-14 from Stevenson to Boardman. The wind jumps up after sunrise and hangs on all day. We should have 26-30 from Avery to Boardman with 13-16 from Stevenson to The Dalles. It’ll be rainy west of The Dalles pretty much all day. Head east for better results and better Indian food at Amayah’s in Biggs. The website I use for river flow is down right now, but the other one says 152kcfs (I assume that’s the max). River temp is 42.4F, and high temp forecast is 42F.

Tuesday starts with westerlies at 5-10mph or less all through the Gorge. Afternoon wind rises to 11-14 from Stevenson to Threemile. High temp: 43F with light snow early and intermittent drizzle to Rowena in the afternoon. Wednesday’s just got too much variation in the models to make a call. We are looking at westerlies, and they’ll probably be strongest out east. But we’ll have to wait a run or three and see what the models say tomorrow. High temp: somewhere in the mid 40’s, probably. Hope to see you on the river on Monday!  

Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Forecast – On vacation ‘til summer unless otherwise noted


Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read TATAS

Looks like a wet week. Monday starts with snain and turns rainy. Temps start in the mid 30’s and rise to the low 40’s. Moderate westerlies. 99% chance of rainbows. Tuesday starts with light snow and turns drizzly, with more intensity early. Temps start in the low 30’s and rise to the low 40’s. Light westerlies. 99% chance of rainbows. Wednesday will be rainy, then dry late morning, then rainy again and pouring overnight. Temps start in the mid 30’s and rise to the upper 40’s. Moderate westerlies. 99% chance of rainbows. Read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook for a detailed forecast that may help you plan your day.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

On Thursday, March 21st, you can watch the BEST MOVIE EVER, The Neverending Story, at the Trout Lake Hall at 5pm (free).

Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon. The Tri Club is done for the season. At 7:15am on Wednesdays, there’s a run from the White Salmon Bakery. At 7am on Friday morning, there’s a run from Pine Street Bakery. On Fridays at 2:30pm, there’s a free meditation and stretching class at Yoga Samadhi. On Saturday at 9am, there’s a by-donation outdoor group fitness on the 2rd floor deck about Ferment Brewing.  


Regarding the trails in general: don’t ride in the mud. You’ll damage the trails. Don’t ride trails if it was below freezing the previous night and is above freezing when you want to ride. Ride gravel. Ride your trainer. Build trails. There are trail builders seeking extra hands on seven additional miles of trail on Whoopdee. Contact HRATS for more information. If you’re parking at Post Canyon, you will need a parking pass. Those can be purchased at many local shops or online.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!


Sunday: big mt. hood snow coming. a couple more days of gorge west wind.

The best wind forecast for the Gorge. The best snow forecast for Mt. Hood. The best weather forecast for the Gorge.

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast – 5000′
Snow level 4a-8a 8a-12p 12p-4p 4p-8p 8p-4a

Mt. Hood Snow Forecast

Who’s ready for a bunch of new snow? Everyone but the Nordic skiers? Sounds fair – they’ve been having the best fun for the last week. Let’s have some powder turns now, shall we? The real fun starts Saturday afternoon into Monday with a couple feet of new. Light snow continues on and off through Wednesday. Wednesday night into Thursday is almost guaranteed to bring another massive dump. This one won’t be dry powder, but it’ll still build the snowpack!

For Saturday night, we’ll have dry, partly cloudy weather with the freezing level around 4000′. Sunday kicks off partly cloudy with a pretty sunrise. Or we may have light flurries around sunrise. Anyway, intermittent flurries in the morning turn steady in the afternoon. In the evening, the heavens open up with a firehose of fresh snow. The snow level will be 4000′ in the morning, 3000′ in the afternoon, and 1000-1500′ after midnight. About 0.2” water equivalent (WE) is forecast during the day, mostly in the afternoon, for a couple inches of new. Overnight, 1.5” WE (yes, you read that right) is predicted thanks to massive westerlies and orographic assistance. That’ll start as medium density snow and finish as dry powder. Total: 15-19”. Wind will be WNW 25-35 in the morning, W 50 in the afternoon (that’ll stop some lifts, for sure), W 40 in the evening, and W 45-50 after midnight. That’s probably going to move all that pow around and perhaps form at least some windslab and sastrugi. Although… it’ll be pretty dry snow, so maybe not.

Snow keeps piling up on Monday. Avoid tree wells. Ride with a buddy. Keep them in sight. Carry your avy gear. The snow level will be 1000-1500′ in the morning and 1000′ or less near Mt. Hood in the afternoon. Temps at 5000′ fall to the upper teens or low 20’s. About 0.6” to 0.7” WE of champagne powder falls during the day for 7-10” new. Overnight, another 0.3” WE is forecast for 3-5” more. We’ll probably see the upper end due to orographic assistance; wind will be W 45-50 early (storm skiing!!!), W 35 mid-morning, NW 30-40 in the afternoon (could affect some lifts) and NW 25-35 overnight.

Light snow Tuesday morning gives way to a dry midday and more snow in the evening. About 0.4” WE is forecast of the 24 hour period with the snow level rising from 0′ to 3500′. Light snow Wednesday gives way to another massive, but warmer, dump Wednesday night. After that: cool weather (snow level well below 5000′) with intermittent snowfall… can’t determine the timing yet. Unless something dramatic happens in the models, we’re in for an extended period of cold weather and excellent snow. Yum. Eat it up!  

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Gorge Wind Forecast

Hi friends. A couple more days of wintry, kinda unreliable westerlies are on tap. Who cares if they’re gusty? It’s west wind in February! Temps will be colder than they were on Saturday, and rain will enter the picture. For Sunday, we start with gusty 11-14 from Stevenson to Swell, 7-10 from Hood River to The Dalles, and gusty 16-19 east of The Dalles. Models are hinting at gusty low to mid-20’s in the afternoon from The Dalles to Arlington with gusty 19-23 and rain from Stevenson to Swell. River flow Saturday was 87-127kcfs, river temp is 42.08F, and high temp forecast is 50F.

Monday will be colder yet. Models keep high pressure offshore, swing a cold front through, and develop a low pressure center on the east side in the afternoon. This starts the day with 11-14 and rain in the west with 18-22 from Avery to Arlington. Afternoon wind rises to 24-27+ (we could still get lucky) from Avery to Boardman with 14-17 from Stevenson to Swell (10-13 Mosier to Doug’s). Models drag some rain as far east as Biggs in the afternoon, so you may have to go even farther east! High temp: just 42 measly degrees. Tuesday: westerlies at 7-10 through the whole Gorge. It’s possible we’ll see another round of stronger wind on Wednesday or Thursday, but there’s not a clear picture yet. Let’s start with tomorrow and Monday and see how we feel. Good to see all of you at the Hatch today!  

Jones, Sauvie’s, Coast Forecast – On vacation ‘til summer unless otherwise noted


Very basic Hood River weather forecast. Don’t plan your life around this. You really should read TATAS

Clouds Sunday morning add rain mid-morning and heavy rain in the evening. Temps start in the low 40’s and rise to 50 or so. Moderate westerlies. 19% chance of rainbows. Monday will be rainy with scattered sunbreaks and hail. Temps start in the mid 30’s and rise to the low 40’s. Moderate westerlies. 99% chance of rainbows. Tuesday may start with a little snow then turn dry, then rain. Temps start in the low 30’s and rise to the low 40’s. Light westerlies. 73% chance of rainbows. Read Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook for a detailed forecast that may help you plan your day.  

Local-ish Events

Please let me know of outdoor-related local-ish events. If you don’t tell me, I don’t know!

On Thursday, March 21st, you can watch the BEST MOVIE EVER, The Neverending Story, at the Trout Lake Hall at 5pm (free).

Regular weekly events:. NK Studio’s by-donation Tuesday morning yoga class is back. Ferment’s Tuesday night 4-mile walk/run is at 6pm. There’s meditation with monks at 5:15pm (an hour) and 6:30pm (30 minutes plus a talk) at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon. The Tri Club is done for the season. At 7:15am on Wednesdays, there’s a run from the White Salmon Bakery. At 7am on Friday morning, there’s a run from Pine Street Bakery. On Fridays at 2:30pm, there’s a free meditation and stretching class at Yoga Samadhi. On Saturday at 9am, there’s a by-donation outdoor group fitness on the 2rd floor deck about Ferment Brewing.  


Regarding the trails in general: don’t ride in the mud. You’ll damage the trails. Don’t ride trails if it was below freezing the previous night and is above freezing when you want to ride. Ride gravel. Ride your trainer. Build trails. There are trail builders seeking extra hands on seven additional miles of trail on Whoopdee. Contact HRATS for more information. If you’re parking at Post Canyon, you will need a parking pass. Those can be purchased at many local shops or online.  

Sprinter Van of the Week!

  Click here for the Sprinter Van map of the world!!!  

Have an awesome day!