Thank you for using this forecast. I offer it freely so you can have more fun and plan your life. It does take significant time and energy to produce. If you find yourself using it often, or if you feel your life is more awesome because of my work, please make a donation. You can get this forecast via email by donation. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. Donating $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.
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Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | E 15-20 | E 20-25 | E 15-20 | E 10-15 | |
Steven’s Locks | E 15-20 | E 20-25 | E 15-20 | E 10-15 | |
Hatchery/Wunderbar | LTE | LTE | LTE | LTE | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | LTE | LTE | LTE | LTE | |
Rufus, etc. | LTE | LTE | LTE | LTE | |
Roosevelt & Arlington | LTE | LTE | LTE | LTE |
Gorge Wind Forecast
There’s not a whole lot in the way of wind in the next few days, but there’s going to be plenty to get the FoilFolks on the river. For Monday, we’ll have east wind that maxes out at 20-25 from Rooster Rock to Viento, fading to 10-15 after noon. Tuesday starts with east 10-15. As a weak front approaches, the wind will turn to westerly, maxing out at 13-16 from Stevenson to Hood River and 18-22 from Mosier to Rufus. Peak westerlies will happen after 2pm. Rain will start in the western Gorge around 5pm.
Wednesday’s wind starts out calm. Afternoon westerlies pick up to 7-10 out of the west. Thursday looks light and variable with moderate to heavy rain after 11am. Next chance for stronger wind of any sort looks like Saturday.
BONUS: Jones Monday: 5-8. Tuesday-Wednesday: nope. Sauvie’s Monday-Wednesday: nope. Coast (north/central/south). Monday: LTW/LTW/LTS, W swell 6′ at 10 seconds. Tuesday: S20-25/S20-25/S10-15, W 5′ @ 12. Wednesday: SW5/LTW/LTV, W 7′ @ 10.
Random Morning Thoughts
““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““ – that’s a message from my cat this morning. Our little furry friends may not be able to communicate in words, and they can’t pick up a Master’s degree in counseling, but they sure can teach us a lot about how our minds work. No, really. If you would like free personal growth coaching from your furry friend, here’s what to do:
When your animal’s behavior changes, notice how you interpret it. Do you panic that they might be sick? Do you search your mind for what you might have done wrong to anger your pet? Do you simply ignore the behavior change, not wanting to deal with it? Do you ask someone else to do something about it?
Whatever your response, take a few minutes to reflect on how you do the same thing with people. See, our animals are what the Freudian analysts call a “blank slate”. For the most part, they are not talking to you. This allows you to project your expectations on them. And it’s quite likely that those projections are the same as your expectations of human beings. So there. You can go ahead and fire your therapist and get a pet. (I’m kidding about firing your therapist, of course – they provide feedback and support that a pet cannot!). May you see your projections and not be controlled by them. Have an awesome day.
Mt. Hood Mountain Weather Forecast
This week’s forecast contains alternating sunshine and rain. Sadly, no snow. For Monday… Sunshine. free air freezing level (FAF): 12,000′. Wind: Light and variable rising to SW 15 overnight. Tuesday starts clear. Clouds move in during the afternoon, and a cold front moves through overnight. Snow level 10,000′. Total precip 5pm Tuesday to 5am Wednesday: .2” that falls as rain. Wind: SW 15 rising to SW 30 and falling to SW 20 after midnight. Wednesday starts out clear and turns partly cloudy and high overcast in the afternoon. FAF: 9000′. Wind: SW 20-25 becoming W 20 after midnight. Next precip will be on Thursday. Substantial rain (over 1”) will fall with a snow level around 11,000′.
Power Station Hood River GET STRONG October specials!
October: Stronger together! Get ready for winter sports or add some strength and power to your fall sports by spending some time at the Power Station. One month of open gym is $25. One month of unlimited classes for $99. Demo the incoming new classes for FREE all month: Adult gymnastics at Chalk at 5:45pm Wednesday (1531 Osprey Drive) & High Intensity Interval Training at Power Station Wednesday at 1:15. Get fitter, get ripped-er. The Power Station is your Gym!
Gorge Weather Forecast
The inversion continues to trap dirty air today: the Monday morning air quality reading was 110, similar to what we had during some of the summer smoky levels. Weather Monday will be sunny. Temps will be in the upper 30’s early and upper 60’s in the afternoon. East wind. No rainbows. Tuesday starts clear and turns cloudy with a chance of sprinkles overnight. Temps will be in the low 40’s early and upper 60’s in the afternoon. East wind early. West wind in the afternoon. No rainbows. Wednesday starts mostly cloudy, goes clear midday, and becomes partly cloudy in the afternoon. Temps will be in the mid 40’s early and low 60’s later. Light wind. No rainbows. Thursday looks quite wet after 11am.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.

Click here for the White Sprinter Van map of the world!!!
Road and Mountain Biking
There’s brown pow on many trails right now. Post Canyon and Hospital Hill are drying out, so this is a great opportunity to try a different trail. Next rain: Thursday, all day. Upcoming Post Canyon trail work parties (all meet at Family Man at 9:30am): October 27, November 4, November 17. Upcoming Hood River County work party: October 27th, 9am at Post Flats Staging Area.
Upcoming Events
Our Monday community events start with by donation yoga at Flow at 8;30. There’s meditation at Trinity Natural Medicine at noon, $5 Tai Chi at the Hood River Adult Center at 2:30, free stress reduction class at HAVEN in The Dalles at 5:30, yoga at Samadhi at 6, and Zumba at Mid-Valley Elementary at 6:30. There’s also pickup kickball at Bingen’s Daubenspeck Park at 6.
Tuesday’s events include Zen meditation at Trinity Body Arts at 6am. At 5:30, there’s free relaxed yoga at HAVEN in The Dalles. There’s meditation with the Pacific Hermitage monks at 6:30, and free Zumba at the White Salmon Grange at 7. Next Saturday, 10am-12pm, is the annual Winter Weather Conference at OMSI. There are two trail work parties Saturday: 9am at Post Flats to work on the 130, and 9:30am at Family Man to work on various trails.
Click here for the full events calendar.
Have an awesome day today!