Saturday: nice cool day to get stuff done!

Thank you for using this forecast. I offer it freely so you can have more fun and plan your life. It does take significant time and energy to produce. If you find yourself using it often, or if you feel your life is more awesome because of my work, please make a donation. You can…

Meet your forecaster: Temira

For almost 30 years, Temira (they/them) has been making the most of the Gorge: riding river swell, shredding powder, and cycling all the gravel and pavement and trails. This is Temira’s playground, their gym… their life’s work.

This passion led Temira to take a vow: In 2006, Temira decided to provide the most accurate, hyper-local weather forecasts possible. Today, Temira’s forecasts have become an essential resource for thousands of skiers, snowboarders, wind sports enthusiasts and Gorge commuters. With Temira’s guidance, you can plan ahead, time your sessions perfectly, and just plain have more fun! But the story doesn’t end there.

There’s “Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service” and “Valuable Advice for Gardeners Inhabiting Neighboring Areas” – the Gorge’s premier microclimate forecast and gardening information. When winter storms, extreme heat, hail, or avalanches on SR-14 and I-84 threaten, TATAS keeps everyone and their tomatoes and giant pumpkins and cash crops safe.

Temira’s relentless efforts keep the forecasts flowing. But it ain’t easy: each forecast takes a couple of hours. That’s where you come in. By contributing, you’re not just supporting Temira’s passion project – you’re investing in the safety and well-being of the entire Gorge community. Your financial support ensures these essential forecasts remain accessible to all, free of charge.

So please take a moment to click one of the buttons below. Donate $19.99 or more (how much does this forecast enhance your life?) and get the email in your inbox. Or just contribute enough for a cup or pound of coffee. I need coffee! Every contribution, no matter the amount, makes a difference. Help me keep this labor of love alive, so we can all commute safely, play in the river, and shred Mt. Hood with the best weather forecasts possible. Thank you!

Electronic payments not your thing? Temira / PO Box 841 / Hood River, OR 97031

Click on the buttons below to make a contribution. Thank you!

Thank you for using this forecast. I offer it freely so you can have more fun and plan your life. It does take significant time and energy to produce. If you find yourself using it often, or if you feel your life is more awesome because of my work, please make a donation. You can get this forecast via email by donation. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. Donating $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.

Click here to donate using a credit card.
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Venmo: @theGorgeismyGym
Snail Mail: PO Box 841, Hood River, Oregon 97031

Get the email version free through the end of August – try it out! Click here.

Today’s Gorge Wind – these are ranges for the average speed, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite beach Dawn
Rooster Rock cloudy early outdoor shower
Steven’s Locks 10-13 10-13 rainy rainy
Hatchery/Wunderbar G13-16 G13-16 G13-18 G13-18
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena 10-13 16-20 24-27 24-27
Rufus, etc. 10-13 18-23 24-27 24-27
Roosevelt & Arlington 24-27 20-23 24-27 24-27

Gorge Wind Forecast

Yesterday didn’t really cooperate with the model predictions. That’s interesting, because my gut instinct was telling me to downgrade the forecast. I didn’t listen. Obviously. Anyway, my best interpretation of yesterday is that the offshore low failed to move close enough to cool things off in the afternoon. That low is still spinning around off the Washington coast, and is forecast to move inland tonight.

As it moves closer today, we’ll see clouds increase in the western Gorge along with scattered sprinkles. You’ll want to take yourself east of the low clouds for the best results. Gradients agree: .09 pdx-dls and .11 dls-psc. For the early morning, here’s the forecast: 10-13 Stevenson, 18-23 Viento to Mosier (minus Hood River), 13-16 east of there and more at Arlington. As the day gets moving, we’ll see the wind pick up to 24-27 from Mosier to Arlington. 27-30 is likely, although not guaranteed, from Lyle to Arlington. Locations between Stevenson and Mosier will likely end up cloudy today, with very gusty, up-and-down wind at 10-13 west and 13-18 Viento to Mosier. Then again, Viento could just be windy as always with the addition of rain.

You’ll want to jump on it today because high pressure rebuilds tomorrow. Given the delayed timing of the low pressure system’s passage inland, we may see better results than models tomorrow. Model forecast is W 7-10 everywhere early going calm. I’m going to go out on a limb and say 12-15 everywhere early, fading to 5-10 in the afternoon. Total guesswork there. Monday looks like east wind. Models disagree on the strength, so let’s call it 10-15 from Rooster to Viento. Same Tuesday. Beyond that, models start to disagree.

BONUS: Jones Saturday: 5-10. Sunday: 8-11. Monday: 12-15. Sauvie’s Saturday: nope. Sunday: 13-16 late. Monday: 13-16 late. Coast (north/central/south). Saturday: SW10/no/N10-15, NW swell 3′ at 10 seconds. Sunday: 10-15/15-20/30+, W 5′ @ 9. Monday: 15-20/15-20/20-25, NW 5′ @ 8.


Random Morning Thoughts

People never change, right? Wrong! One of the things we do is construct internal images of people, especially when we first meet them. Hence that old saying, “You never get another chance to make a first impression.” Gosh golly, that sure puts a lot of pressure on us.

That saying assumes that the vast majority of folks are unable to reassess people upon second meeting. Think about it this way: you are a changeable being, right? You have good days and bad days, and some days are bad enough that you regret your behavior. Wouldn’t you like a second chance?

I see this a lot in my work. Clients come in irritable, grumpy, and depressed one week. The next week they are full of energy and motivated. Their basic personality traits may remain the same, but they present differently.

Check this out for yourself. Start paying more attention to what you do when you first meet someone. Start paying more attention to how the random people in your life are different on different days. Doing this will build greater freedom around your ability to be in relationship with others. May you be held in friendship. Have an awesome day.

Mt. Hood Mountain Weather Forecast

Clear sky this morning transitions to partly cloudy mid-level this afternoon and evening. Free air freezing level (FAF): 13,000′. Wind: SW 15 early, SW 25 later, WNW 15 overnight. Sunday: clear. FAF: 13k rising to 15k. Wind: WNW 15 going light and variable after midnight. Monday: clear. FAF: 15,000′. Wind: variable to 10.

Gorge Weather Forecast

It’s finally cool and partly cloudy, perfect gardening weather! The clouds will increase today with rain west of Underwood. Temps will be in the low 60’s early and mid 70’s later. Moderate to strong westerlies. 1% chance of rainbows. Sunday starts partly cloudy and quickly turns clear. Upper 50’s early, mid 80’s later. Light west wind, probably calm late. No rainbows. Monday looks sunny. Upper 50’s early and low 90’s later. Light east wind. No rainbows.

For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.

White Sprinter Van of the Week

Click here for the White Sprinter Van map of the world!!!

Road and Mountain Biking

Trails on private timberland (Hospital Hill, Whoopdee, Underwood, and anything else on Kreps, Stevenson, Weyerhauser, etc.) will remain closed to ALL uses until the end of fire session (significant rainfall). Gorge 400 from Wyeth to Herman Creek has reopened. There are about 7 trees down. Plains of Abraham is open. Trails in Hood River County are now closed to motorized use due to fire danger. Bicycles are fine. The Petersburg Loop east of The Dalles has reopened for road biking. Some dum-dum started a fire on Orchard Road in Odell yesterday, so that one’s probably closed right now.

Upcoming Events

It’s a very busy day today with all sorts of sports events: the Hood River Saddle Club has the obstacle challenge, Post Canyon has the 50k and half-marathon footrace, and there’s a group road bike ride from Mountain View Cycles at 9. Big Winds has a parking lot sale with snacks all day today, and there’s also a gear swap at the Luhr Jensen Parking lot this morning.

Movies tonight are Robin Hood in Hood River and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 at Kramer Field in The Dalles. If you’re up late, check out the northern half of the sky for the Perseid Meteor shower.

Vintage Dufur Days happens all day today and tomorrow. If you head to the western Gorge tomorrow, check out the Bridge of the Gods run, which will close that bridge for an hour or so in the morning.

Click here for the full events calendar.

Have an awesome day today!
