Sunday: A couple more days of wind.

Thank you for using this forecast. I offer it freely so you can have more fun and plan your life. It does take significant time and energy to produce. If you find yourself using it often, or if you feel your life is more awesome because of my work, please make a donation. You can…

Meet your forecaster: Temira

For almost 30 years, Temira (they/them) has been making the most of the Gorge: riding river swell, shredding powder, and cycling all the gravel and pavement and trails. This is Temira’s playground, their gym… their life’s work.

This passion led Temira to take a vow: In 2006, Temira decided to provide the most accurate, hyper-local weather forecasts possible. Today, Temira’s forecasts have become an essential resource for thousands of skiers, snowboarders, wind sports enthusiasts and Gorge commuters. With Temira’s guidance, you can plan ahead, time your sessions perfectly, and just plain have more fun! But the story doesn’t end there.

There’s “Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service” and “Valuable Advice for Gardeners Inhabiting Neighboring Areas” – the Gorge’s premier microclimate forecast and gardening information. When winter storms, extreme heat, hail, or avalanches on SR-14 and I-84 threaten, TATAS keeps everyone and their tomatoes and giant pumpkins and cash crops safe.

Temira’s relentless efforts keep the forecasts flowing. But it ain’t easy: each forecast takes a couple of hours. That’s where you come in. By contributing, you’re not just supporting Temira’s passion project – you’re investing in the safety and well-being of the entire Gorge community. Your financial support ensures these essential forecasts remain accessible to all, free of charge.

So please take a moment to click one of the buttons below. Donate $19.99 or more (how much does this forecast enhance your life?) and get the email in your inbox. Or just contribute enough for a cup or pound of coffee. I need coffee! Every contribution, no matter the amount, makes a difference. Help me keep this labor of love alive, so we can all commute safely, play in the river, and shred Mt. Hood with the best weather forecasts possible. Thank you!

Electronic payments not your thing? Temira / PO Box 841 / Hood River, OR 97031

Click on the buttons below to make a contribution. Thank you!

Thank you for using this forecast. I offer it freely so you can have more fun and plan your life. It does take significant time and energy to produce. If you find yourself using it often, or if you feel your life is more awesome because of my work, please make a donation. You can get this forecast via email by donation. The email subscription isn’t $99/year. Not $50/year. Donating $12.34 or more gets you on the list for 12 months. Thank you for your support and thank you for trusting my forecast.

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Snail Mail: PO Box 841, Hood River, Oregon 97031

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Today’s Gorge Wind – these are ranges for the average speed, not a predicted wind range. =)
Your favorite beach Dawn
Rooster Rock picnic blanket sandy buns
Steven’s Locks 15-18 15-18 20-23 20-23
Hatchery/Wunderbar 15-18 18-23 24-27 20-23
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena 7-10 13-18 24-28+ 24-28+
Rufus, etc. 7-10 13-18 24-28+ 24-28+
Roosevelt & Arlington 7-10 13-18 18-22 21-25

Gorge Wind Forecast

It’s Sunday. A weak cold front this morning will move off to the east, allowing clouds to burn off and offshore high pressure to lend a hand to the west wind. Early gradients were .07 and .07, indicating that Lyle to Rufus might be the place to be today. That’s playing out. Early wind was 15-18 or 10-13 everywhere but the Rufus stretch, which was reading 20-25 (but probably means 15-18)! As the clouds burn back today, we’ll see the wind pick up to 25-28 from Viento to Rufus. The Euro likes the idea of 30-33 from Rowena to Rufus, so let’s have that as a possibility too. Stevenson and Arlington will slowly build to 20-23. The wind may briefly be stronger near Arlington, but will also probably drop in the afternoon.

A weak shortwave adds color to Monday’s weather in the form of afternoon mid-level clouds. Morning marine clouds will also come into play. That starts Monday off with Dawn Patrol at 22-26 from Bingen (or maybe Hood River) to Doug’s, with Viento also likely. Swell and Stevenson will likely be cloudy with 15-18 early, and locations east of Doug’s will have 7-10. The wind will build to gusty 23-26 From Stevenson to The Dalles with less wind (or perhaps none at all!) east of there. It’s worth nothing that the Euro, once again, likes the possibility of stronger wind. Maybe. Given the setup, conditions near Swell are likely to be less reliable than other locations.

Tuesday currently has a forecast of 10-13 everywhere in the morning and just in the western Gorge in the afternoon. Tuesday also looks quite muggy. Looking at Wednesday, we’ve got some disagreement both between models and from run-to-run within models. Both models currently forecast a period of strong east wind as a low drops along the coast. Another low moving inland from the SW crosses into eastern Oregon late, switching the wind to strong westerly. But… that might not happen until after sunset, and models do not agree on the west wind strength.

BONUS: Jones Sunday: 20-23. Monday: 21-24. Tuesday: 23-26. Sauvie’s Sunday: 12-15. Monday: 12-15. Tuesday: 5-10. Coast (north/central/south). Sunday: 10-15/1-20/30+, W swell 5′ at 8 seconds. Monday: 15-20/20-25/30+, NW 6′ @ 8. Tuesday: 15-20/20-25/30+, NW 6′ @ 8.

Random Morning Thoughts

Shit happens. No, really. It does! And sometimes the shit that happens will be painful for us. Sometimes it won’t. Have you ever wondered why that is? Why some of those unwanted events hurt more than other, seemingly similar, unwanted events?

Much of that answer lies in how you’re dealing with them. One of the keys to suffering less is patience. Nobody wants to have painful feelings sticking around for extended periods of time. However, wanting those painful feelings to go away, wanting things to be different, is only creating additional painful feelings.

Just saying “be more patient”, obviously, doesn’t really work. Looking at your experience and understanding the ways in which you’re being impatient can. Does your impatience manifest as thoughts, “I want this to be over!”, does it manifest as bodily tension (which is probably linked to some sort of thought or belief), does it manifest as emotions?

Whatever you find, take some time to observe it (not poke at it!) and learn more about your experience of impatience. By watching, you’ll gain some insight into how it’s making you hurt more. And that might just give you the power to be more patient and compassionate with yourself. May you be at ease. Have an awesome day.

Mt. Hood Mountain Weather Forecast

Mt. Hood starts off clear and stays that way Sunday. FAF: 12,000′ early and 14,000′ later. Wind: WNW 20-25. Monday looks clear early and partly cloudy later. FAF: 12,000′ in the morning and 7000′ afternoon and evening. Wind: NW 25 early, NW 20 afternoon, N 10-15 after midnight. Tuesday looks partly cloudy or mostly clear and muggy. FAF: 7000′ early, steadily rising to 12,000′ after midnight. Wind: N 10-15 early, NW 10 afternoon, SE 15 after midnight.

Gorge Weather Forecast

It’s partly cloudy this morning and will clear up later. Temps will be in the low 60’s early and mid 70’s later. Strong west wind. No rainbows. Monday looks partly cloudy. Temps will be in the low 50’s early and upper 60’s in the afternoon. Strong west wind. No rainbows. Tuesday looks partly cloudy and muggy. Temps will be near 50 early and in the upper 70’s in the afternoon. Light westerlies. No rainbows.

For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.

White Sprinter Van of the Week

Click here for the White Sprinter Van map of the world!!!

Road and Mountain Biking

High Prairie down to 450 is open, according to Strava. I received a report from Dirty Fingers that multiple known people have ridden Gunsight. Hospital Hill now seems to be a one-tick-bite-per-ride zone. That’s for humans, not for dogs, which are currently allowed, by the way.

Upcoming Events

Today’s events start with a gear swap at Windance – sellers arrive starting at 7am and buyers at 8. It’s $10 if you’d like to sell gear and free if you’re just shopping. There’s by-donation yoga in White Salmon at Yoga Samadhi at 9, all-ages touch rugby at the Hood River Marina at 11, and free art classes for kids and parents at Columbia Art Gallery in Hood River from 1 to 3. You have to register for the art classes ahead of time.

Coming up next week, Wednesday is the 4th of July with the annual Kollas Cranmer run from Odell to Hood River. There’s a free jibing and rigging clinic for windsurfers next Saturday at 9am with Jim Oaks at Northwave, and Trout Lake has the Wild Woman marathon (etc), for women only, on Saturday.

Click here for the full events calendar.

Have an awesome day today!
