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Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | 78% | chance | of | buns | |
Steven’s Locks | light | G 5-10 | G 12-17 | G 12-17 | |
Hatchery/Wunderbar | G 5-10 | G 5-10 | G 12-17 | G 12-17 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | light | light | G 12-17? | G 12-17? | |
Rufus, etc. | light | light | light | light | |
Roosevelt, etc. | light | light | light | light |
Gorge Wind Forecast
If you Go Outside Look Up this morning, you’ll see mid and high elevation clouds. This is a very bad sign for the quality of the wind today. What you’re looking at is the result of atmospheric instability due to an area of low pressure to the east. This setup will continue all day. If we do see periods of wind, they will be concentrated in the western Gorge. Best guess, and this is really a guess, is gusty 12-17 from Stevenson to Mosier from mid-morning on with a chance of Rowena-area wind in the afternoon. I would not place any sort of bet on today’s wind. River flow is 192kcfs, and temp is 62 degrees.
That low will shift farther east and south on Tuesday as high pressure builds in from the west. Areas east of the Cascades will still be under wraparound flow from that low. Continued instability will be an issue. So… you’ll want to stay in the western Gorge, where you may find 10-14 out of the west all day long.
Wednesday starts out with the doldrums as pressure equalizes across the Cascades. Models like the idea of light easterly flow. We may see the westerlies pick up late in the afternoon, but we’ll also see the atmosphere catastrophically destabilize, meaning the wind is impossible to predict. And do you really want to be on the water with lightning in the forecast? Thunderstorms are likely from late afternoon on through Thursday morning.
Instability continues through Thursday, but the gradients will pick up. Gusty westerlies may max out in the upper 20’s Thursday. After that, the GFS takes the strong westerlies through Monday (end of model run) and the Euro keeps them going through late next week (end of model run). Personally, I like this forecast a lot, even through you really can’t trust anything beyond 72 hours!
BONUS: Jones Monday: 21-24. Tuesday: 19-22. Wednesday: 21-24. Sauvie’s Monday: 10-13. Tuesday: 10-13. Wednesday: 13-16. Coast (north/central/south). S10-15/W10/X, W swell 7′ at 13 seconds. Tuesday: X/N5-10/X, W 5′ @ 12. Wednesday: NW10-15/W5-10/X, W 4′ @ 12.
Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour – June 30th
If you haven’t ridden the roads around Trout Lake, you’re missing out. These epic rides wind through forests and past waterfalls (and wild berries). Traffic is minimal. Cell service is spotty. And that’s why the Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour is the perfect opportunity. Sag wagons. Repair support. Food. Water. Lunch. Dinner. Four ride options include an 11½-mile Family Friendly ride (just $10 to ensure accessibility to all families), a 51-mile Trout Lake – BZ Corner – Glenwood Loop, a 54-mile Forest Loop, and a 105-mile Infinity Ride. Click here, now, to get signed up today before the ride fills up.
Random Morning Thoughts
The random morning thoughts are currently on vacation!
Mt. Hood Mountain Weather Forecast
We’ll have another round of clouds and thunder on Mt. Hood today. Snow level: 11,000′. Wind: N 25 early, NNW 20 in the afternoon, N 15 after midnight. High clouds continue on Tuesday with a tiny chance of afternoon thunder. FAF: 12,000′ rising to 13,000′. Wind: N 15 early, NW 10 later, SW 10 after midnight. Wednesday looks clear in the morning with thunder (likely) and significant rain (possible) from late afternoon on through the night. FAF: 13,000’+. Wind SW 10 early, light and variable later.
Gorge Weather Forecast
It’s cloudy out there this morning from continued atmospheric instability. This will stay the same all day with thunderstorms possible. Temps will be in the mid 60’s early and mid 80’s later. Muggy. Moderate and gusty westerlies. 3% chance of rainbows. Tuesday will still have some high clouds, most likely, with a slight chance of thunder. Clearing late. Temps: 60 early and almost 90 later. Light westerlies. Wednesday looks sunny with high clouds in the afternoon and thunder and rain in the evening and overnight. Temps will be in the low 60’s early and low 90’s later. Light east wind. 6% chance of rainbows.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Week
Click here for the White Sprinter Van map of the world!!!
Road and Mountain Biking
I didn’t make it into Post yesterday (because crowds), but I’m going to check out the impact of the recent rain this morning. There was definitely rain yesterday and the day before on Nestor Peak, so that might be a nice place to ride. Other news: front side of Hospital Hill is closed due to logging operations. Borderline will reopen soon, which should make lots of people happy. In other news, there are free demos of Scott E-bike mountain bikes tomorrow at Big Winds.
Upcoming Events
Events today include two free yoga classes: 8:30 at Flow and 6pm at Samadhi. There’s Zumba at 6;30 at Mid-Valley Elementary, and there’s pickup kickball at Daubenspeck Park in Bingen at 6. HAVEN in The Dalles has a free stress reduction class at 5:30.
Tomorrow at Big Winds, there are free Scott mountain bike E-bike demos. Friday is the Cold Creek Super D bike race at Washington State’s Larch Mountain. On Saturday, it’s opening day of sailing season in Cascade Locks. There will be free sailboat rides and a BBQ. Community sailing classes kick off this week there, and they’re super affordable for local kids – check out CGRA’s website for more details. Also Saturday, there’s a swap meet at Luhr Jensen Beach in Hood River, the Rock the Point festival in Bingen with $10 water sports demos during the day at a concert at night. Saturday’s also Mosier Fest.
Click here for the full events calendar.
Have an awesome day today!