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Your favorite beach | Dawn Patrol |
9am- 11:30a |
11:30a- 3pm |
3pm- dusk |
Rooster Rock | careful: | sun | burns | buns | |
Steven’s Locks | 15-18 | 18-23 | 24-28 | 24-28 | |
Hatchery/Wunderbar | 15-18 | 18-23 | 28-32 | 23-27 | |
Doug’s, Lyle, Rowena | 28-32 | 28-32 | 28-32 | 28-32 | |
Rufus, etc. | too much | current | 28-32 | 28-32 | |
Roosevelt, etc. | 21-24 | 24-28 | 26-30 | 23-26 |
Gorge Wind Forecast
Yesterday was windy. Today will be windy. Tomorrow will be windy. Monday will be windy. Do you sense a pattern here? High pressure offshore combines with a heat low in the desert and occasional weak weather systems over the next several days to keep the west wind blowing.
For today, Saturday, a weak front is moving through as high pressure builds offshore (currently 1031mb). After that front passes, the atmosphere should stabilize more (already has to the west), leading to a day of strong, solid westerlies. Dawn Patrol at 5:30am was already in the upper 20’s east of Hood River. Gradients at 6am were .15 (pdx-dls) and .11 (dls-psc). HUGE! River flow is 495kcfs. HUGE! And river temp is 57 degrees. WARMER!
So, for today, we’ll have 28-32 all day from Mosier to Rufus. Incidentally, there is way too much current from Rufus to Maryhill, so don’t try it. As the clouds burn back this afternoon, the wind will climb to 28-32 from Viento to Hood River with 24-28 from Stevenson to Home Valley. Arlington is questionable today. Given the gradients, it does look like a mid to late morning 28-32 session is possible out there, but it’s questionable if it will last through the afternoon and evening. If you’re in the Swell City section of river, be prepared for downwind floating objects of all sorts (foil SUPs, SUPs, outriggers, Surfskis, etc.) out there today as the entire PNW converges on the Columbia River for recess.
High pressure builds inland on Sunday, knocking down marine cloud assistance in the thermal department. As a result, the westerlies will back down to 15-18 from Viento to Hood River for the morning session and pick up to 21-24 from Stevenson to Mosier for the afternoon session. Beaches farther east are likely to see 5-10 or less on Sunday.
A weak weather system offshore on Monday will likely push more marine clouds into Portland. In addition, the offshore high moves north a bit, putting it directly in line with the Gorge, resulting in big synoptic-scale gradients. This sets us up for Dawn Patrol at 23-27 from Viento to Hood River with late morning westerlies at 28-32 from Viento to Rufus. One thing to keep in mind is that the afternoon wind could be negatively impacted by this approaching weather system, so get the wind as early as you can. Tuesday currently looks like 25-29.
BONUS: Jones Saturday: 5-10. Sunday: 24-27. Monday: 18-22. Sauvie’s Saturday: 10-13 late, maybe. Sunday: 12-15 late. Monday: 10-13. Coast (north/central/south). Saturday: 5-10/10-15/25-30, W swell 4′ @ 9 seconds. Sunday: 10-15/15-20/30-40, W 4′ @ 11. Monday: 15-20/15-20/30-40, W 7′ @ 11.
Random Morning Thoughts
The random morning thoughts are currently on vacation!
Mt. Hood Mountain Weather Forecast
The next few days look clear on Mt. Hood. Saturday: Free air freezing level (FAF) 10,000′ int eh morning and 12,000′ afternoon. Wind: NNW 10-15 in the morning and N 10-15 in the afternoon. Sunday: clear. FAF: 12,000′ early and 13,000′ in the afternoon. Wind: N 15 in the morning, NW 10 afternoon, NW 5 overnight. Monday: clear. FAF: 13,000′. wind: NW 5 early, W 15 afternoon, SW 15 overnight.
Gorge Weather Forecast
Partly cloudy sky this morning gives way to sunshine in the afternoon. Temps in the low 50’s early and upper 60’s later. Strong westerlies. No rainbows. Sunday looks clear. Temps near 50 early and in the upper 70’s later. Moderate westerlies. No rainbows. Monday looks clear in the morning with a chance of high clouds in the afternoon. Temps near 50 early and 80 in the afternoon. Strong westerlies. No rainbows. Ditto Tuesday.
For weather specifically directed at travel through the Gorge, please visit Temira’s Awesome Travel Advisory Service on Facebook.
White Sprinter Van of the Week
Click here for the White Sprinter Van map of the world!!!
Road and Mountain Biking
Nothing new to report: Knebal, Eightmile and Surveyor’s are open. Lewis River is open. Hospital Hill has cows on it, so there are no dogs allowed at this time. The ticks are horrendous over there right now – expect to get bitten if you ride there. The Sisters Stampede is Sunday. Wednesday is the women’s Post n’ Pinot ride at Dirty Fingers at 5:30. Mountain View has a mountain bike ride at 5pm on Thursday, and the Post n’ Pint ride is Thursday at Dirty Fingers at 5:30.
Upcoming Events
Activities today include a trail run at 8am in Post Canyon and a group road biek ride at Mountain View Cycles at 9. The Oregon-Washington border war continues in Klickitat today, and the Catfish Derby kicks off in Rufus. Lyle has Pioneer Day tdoay, and Glen Otto Park in Troutdale is hosting a free learn to fish clinic for women.
The Border War and the Catfish Derby continue tomorrow, and so does the Sisters Stampede Mountain bike race down in Sisters. For you parents, there are free art classes for kids at Columbia Art Gallery in Hood River tomorrw from 1-3. There’s by-donaion yoga at Samadhi tomorrow at 9 and pickup touch rugby at the Hood River Marina at 11.
Click here for the full events calendar.
Have an awesome day today!