I lived in Japan for a year, and it was cold and snowy for almost 6 months straight. The Japanese don’t insulate their homes (well, that may be changing now, but most homes are not insulated), so they have to find a different way to stay warm. In Aomori, where I lived, they eat Miso Ramen. If you’ve never had real Miso Ramen, you should. It’s nothing like that garbage that comes out of the little plastic package in the USA. Anyway, I’ve been searching high and low for Miso Ramen for four years, and I found it last night in Hood River. Toshi-san at Kaze makes the best bowl of Hokkaido-style Miso Ramen (it’s even colder in Hokkaido than it is in Aomori, which probably explains why their ramen is better). So, next time you are cold, head down to Kaze and ask Toshi for a bowl of Miso Ramen. You’ll leave full and warm. Yum.
(this not-advertisement was not paid for in any way… the FCC just passed a law saying I have to inform you of that)
Winter might be on its way, but it’s still the time of year when Hood River wins the weather game. Onshore flow dragged clouds into Portland this morning and left Hood River in the sun. Along with the marine clouds to the west, we have westerly gradients. They’re at .05 right now, and I expect them to pick up a little bit this morning. I think we’ll see 18-21 through the Corridor today, possibly down at Stevenson as well.
The wind turns offshore again tomorrow, for some weak easterlies in Stevenson and Rooster Rock. I think there’s a pretty good chance of 17-20, so if you are desperate, you might get a second chance to get on the water.
Friday morning sees some light west winds, but the wind should switch to east by afternoon.
Coming up this weekend are a couple of chance for you to give back to your community. First, Ann and Linda and friends host a weeding party at the Waterfront Park at 10am Saturday. These weeding parties are much more fun than weeding your own yard. Why? Well, the company is good, and there are donuts and coffee. In the evening, join the Cooper Spur Race Team for the CaSKIno fundraiser at the Hood River Inn. Tickets are $25, go to a good cause, and get you two drinks.
Also on Saturday night – and this is my pick of the week – is Flakes, a Powderwhore telemark movie at Dog River. Freeheel porn. Be there.
That’s it for now. Time to go do the stairs.
Have a great day!
One response to “10/7 Miso Ramen forecast”
Don’t forget to buy a lottery ticket at the movie to win a nice package! Profit proceeds from the lottery go to fund the local “freeheel” touring cnter – the best groomed XC trails in Oregon at Teacup Snowpark!