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Oh wow. Today is like the day after Christmas in a good way. Pacificorp gave us a beautiful present yesterday in the form of a free White Salmon, and that’s a present that will last forever. Over the next year, they’ll be rehabilitating the former Northwestern Lake (maybe we can have a contest to rename that section of river, as well as the sandbar that will likely form at the mouth). The “new” section of river is scheduled to open for recreation in September 2012. If you’d like to paddle or raft now, the White Salmon is still open for business above Northwestern Lake, and the river is currently at 1.9 feet.
Also for you paddlers, Heather Herbeck talked the Hood River Pool into opening for kayaking practice from 7-8pm on Thursday nights. Please be there to support this trial period, because if you don’t show up, you can kiss year-round weeknight pool access goodbye.
Cheap Gear. Free Membership
If you didn’t have a chance to see the Condit Dam breach video, you can find plenty of versions on YouTube. Check Columbia Riverkeeper’s website for a more in-depth video that should be posted at some point today. Many thanks to Cloudcap for the drone footage. That’s what I call a good usage for an unmanned drone.
For you wind Johnnies, today looks like east wind at 15-18 this afternoon. Tomorrow looks like east 10-15 early, switching to west 15-18 later, and west 24-28 even later than that with some rain. Saturday doesn’t look so windy, and neither does Sunday.
In other events, Saturday is the “Jimmy T and Me” work party on the 450 trail. Shuttle buses are provided from Dirty Fingers at 9am. On Sunday, it’s Meadows pass photo day from 9am to 4pm or maybe it’s 5pm. I can’t remember.
Now, just to shake things up, the Fashion Show is on an early date this year, early enough that even mountain employees can make this not-so-late-in-the-evening event. November 3rd at the Hood River Inn, doors at 6pm, show at 7pm, tickets $20. The Fashion Show benefits the Hood River County Christmas Project, a community service that gets holiday food and childrens’ gifts to families in need. If you’re not in need, please come to the fashion show, or make a donation by sending a check to PO Box 872 in Hood River. Your donation is tax-deductible.
p.s. If you find this report useful, entertaining, or just want to recognize all the hard work that goes into it, please take the time to make a donation by clicking on the link below. For a suggested donation of $10, I’ll add you to the email version of this list ‘til August 2012, putting you in the running for cool prizes donated by the weekly sponsors. If you don’t PayPal, you can send a donation to PO Box 841 in Hood River, 97031.
One response to “10/27 Forecast”
we are doing a survey at the mouth of the white salmon river for the dam removal sediment impact
we are trying to scedule for sunday…but we need decent conditions
what do you think the wind is going to do sat afternoon and all day sunday?
pls get back to me asap
thank you!